

Yusuf Akçura - (1935)  
İttihat Terakki'yle ilişkileri nedeniyle Mekteb-i Harbiye'den atılarak Trablusgarp'a sürüldü. 1914'te Mekteb-i Mülkiye'ye tarih müderrisi oldu. 1918'e kadar kurulan her milliyetçi kuruluşta emeği var. Mütareke yıllarında Anadolu'ya ilk geçenlerden. İlk mecliste milletvekili. Kurtuluştan sonra Türk Tarih Kurumu Başkanı. "Üç Tarz-ı Siyaset" makalesiyle Türkiye'deki milliyetçi akıma teorik bir çerçeve çizmeye çalıştı.Ancak Anadolu kaynaklı Türk Milliyetçiliği bu çerçevenin dışında gelişti. 1918'den sonra Turan fikrinden vazgeçti. 1935'te Haydarpaşa Garı'nda çocuklarıyla yürürken kalp krizinden öldü.

English Biography


Yusuf Akcura was born on 2 December 1876. He is one of the leading opinion-leaders and historians of pro-Turk trend. He studied in the Military College. He was arrested in 1897 on grounds that he took part in the attempts of coup d'etat. He was sentenced to lifelong confinement in fortress with the decision of Taşkışla Military Supreme Court. He was sent into exile to Trablusgarp with Sultan's decree after the decision. He was allowed to stroll freely in Trablusgarp due to attempts of İttihat and Terakki Community in 1899.

He escaped to France after a short period of time, and joined Young Turks in Paris. He studies Political Sciences Institute in Paris. He returned to Russia graduating from the school with his thesis named Osmanlı Devleti Kurumlarının Tarihi Üstüne Bir Deneme (An essay on History of Ottoman State Corporations) in 1903. He worked as a teacher in Kazan. His numerous unsigned articles were printed on Ümmet and Türk newspapers which were being published in Egypt in those times. The article titled Üç Tarz-ı Siyaset, which was published on a Turkish newspaper in 1904, is of particular importance among them. He said the options of the empire were "Pro-Ottoman", "Pro-Islam" ideologies and "Turkish Nationalism based on Race", and that the best was the last one.

Akçura went to Istanbul after 2nd Constitutional Monarchy. He worked as a teacher in various schools. He gave political history courses in Istanbul University and Civil service School. He attended Turkism trend in idea level. He took part among the founders of Turkish Association and Turkish Organization. He became the editor and head writer of Turk Yurdu magazine.

He became deputy in the first Turkish parliament and Turkish History Corporation member after liberation. Akçura maintained that Ottoman Turks and Turks outside of Ottoman State could not establish a unity only with their common language and history.

His important books include; Üç Tarz-ı Siyaset, Şark Meselesine Dair tarih-i Siyasi Notları(1920), Muasır Avrupa'da Siyasi ve İçtimai Fikirler Cereyanlar(1923), Siyaset ve İktisat hakkında Birkaç Hitabe ve Makale(1924), Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun Dağılma Devri. In addition, his collection named Türk Yılı(1928) is a comprehensive study which investigates the sources and development of Turkism movements. His Mevkufiyet Hatıraları (1914) gives information about his activities in Russia and his being imprisoned. The most important study about him is the book by François Georgeon named Aux Origines du Nationalisme Turc; Yusuf Akçura (1980).

Yusuf Akçura died of heart attack on 12 March 1935 while he was walking in Haydarpaşa railway station with his children.


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